Understanding Alimony Rights in Tennessee

Understanding Alimony Rights in Tennessee

Alimony is a term that people often throw around, but it’s little understood. Many people have questions about when alimony can be ordered and who should get it after a divorce.  If alimony is granted, how much should it be? For how long should it be paid? Does alimony affect child support?  These are all […]

Dos and Don’ts During a Divorce

Dos and Don'ts During a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a very difficult and emotional process. Because it is filled with emotion and drama, the divorce process can draw out the worst in people. Divorcing couples make mistakes all of the time before, during, and even after getting divorced.  But if you keep a calm head and avoid giving […]

15 Grounds for Divorce in Tennessee

Grounds for Divorce in Tennessee

Marriages break up for many reasons. Most of the time, each side can point to several factors that caused a relationship to break up. But the real-world reasons for getting a divorce have to fit into what the law says are allowed grounds for divorce in Tennessee. If you are contemplating a divorce, the best […]